A new home
Posted on: January 30, 2020 at 9:14 am
When I first started this blog, I was concerned whether anyone needs it or if anyone will read it. Many many years later I decided that’s not what’s important. I enjoy writing about music and I will share my thoughts with whoever wants to read them. If it’s 1 person or 1000, it doesn’t truly matter. But for myself and those few people who might come here, I wanted more. I wanted everything to look better and most of all, feel more personal. So today I am moving from a rented house to my own apartment, so to speak.
All of the older posts will be here, my un-objective fangirling is moving along with me, and so are my endless rants about repetitive soulless music or my overflowing superlatives. Bonus, I’m adding a Facebook page where I’ll be posting news and updates regarding the bands I follow.
Many many thanks to my wonderful husband, who treated me like the most revered VIP client and did pretty much everything that was needed to set up this blog – design, development, programming, handling the legal aspects and yes, even counseling. He gave me the push I needed to start writing and once more, he is the driving force behind these awesome improvements, so you can blame him for everything 🙂
Once more, I hope all who visit this “new home” will come to love it as much as I do and get as much happiness from it as I do. Or if it’s not happiness, then maybe something else, something just as good. Welcome and enjoy!
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